My sister and I recently returned from a two week holiday to China. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience the sights and sounds of such a vibrant country and we thoroughly enjoyed our tour, along with twenty-eight other Aussie tourists! We loved the learning opportunities presented to us about manufacturing silk, jade, tea and pearls. Our eyes were open to the marvellous wonder of the Great Wall, not to mention we were able to enjoy such warm, beautiful weather.
There was however, a niggling feeling of worry about being in a foreign country in that time. We were presented with eating a range of food unfamiliar to us, and we were often visiting places that had limited or no English available to us at times. This was not the first time we were visiting a foreign country and so we are not unfamiliar with the feelings of worry, alongside anxiety and stress that comes with holidaying in beautiful, yet strange lands.
In these moments of worry, I try to remind myself of some comforting verses that help to remind me that God is with me at all times. Verses such as 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” and Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
I take comfort in these verses, as they remind me that I have been blessed and given the opportunity to explore these wondrous lands, appreciating God’s handiwork each and every day. In the state of the world today, there is much we could worry and stress about, however when we place ourselves in the Lord’s hands, we know we are safe and loved.
So the next time we set off to travel to some far, exotic land, I will try and not pack into my suitcase my stress and worry and instead ensure I pack swimsuit and a good book to read, because after all, holidays should be about rest and relaxation!
Avid listener of 96three FM and a special ed. teacher who loves to travel.
Anna also plays the violin and piano at the Church she is part of.