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Dwindling Australian Town Attracts Tourists With Giant Silo Art Project

In Victoria, 359 kilometres north west of Melbourne, is the town of Brim, whose population has been declining to the point where most local businesses and schools have had to shut down.   

With a population last recorded at 261 in the 2011 census, Brim’s local families and young people are now moving to larger towns and cities. Extreme draughts and new farming technologies have left few jobs available for locals and as a result the town which once had a butcher, baker, a railway and a school, has now been largely abandoned. Even the local footy club had to shut down due lack of numbers.

All that is starting to change however with an unconventional art project attracting tourists from all over Australia.   In January, Brisbane artist Guido van Helten arrived in Brim with the idea to paint six decommissioned grain solos measuring 30 metres tall. The artworks would feature paintings of four local farmers over differing generations as a tribute to the local community spirit.


The impressive art project, which is now attracting international media attention, is working wonders for the small town. Rod and Carmel Holland who own the town’s only hotel said, “The silos with the painting has really made a lot of difference, especially during the holidays and we’re hoping Easter, in those four or five days, it’ll bump again.”

Watch the video below, curated by Juddy Roller, which showcases the art project now bringing Brim back to life.

Photos via YouTube – Juddy Roller