OneCare Geelong and 96three are partnering to collect food for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community.
As we struggle to comes to terms with the reality of COVID-19 we know the only way to get through this crisis is by supporting each other and sharing what we have.
The impact of empty shelves and long supermarket lines is being felt by all, however for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged this only adds to their already difficult circumstances.
This is how you can help!
When you do your weekly shop, pop a few extra food and pantry items in your trolley. These items will be put together in parcels and distributed to those in need in Geelong.
For more info go to OneCare on the web.
If you do not live in the Geelong area and would like to make a tax deductible financial donation to OneCare Geelong COVID-19 Response click here