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Women and Girls Suffering the Most In Global Food Crisis

As the world suffers a global food crisis, women and girls are bearing the greatest burden of hunger, says Compassion Australia....

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Cyclists Pedal Across Australia in Ride for Compassion

A dedicated group of cyclists and support crew have set off on a gruelling 4,200 km ride across Australia, to raise $1 million for children in poverty....

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The Note I Found of the Boy Pointing the Gun at His Head

It was a reminder to me that people come into our lives in parts, we never get to see the whole picture of what they may be going through....

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How Talia’s Disabled Daughter Taught Her about the Love of God

After her first weigh in since leaving hospital, Talia realised her baby daughter had lost 20% of her body weight and become floppy and pale....

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You Can Be Coming Last and Be Winning at Life

Winners don’t always make the most money or have the biggest followings on social media, they could even look like the definition of a loser....

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Compassion Week

Compassion Week 2019 commences on October 20 with seven days of compelling programs featuring wonderful people and an incredible God....

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Riding the Storm

The storms are coming. The weather might get pretty wild but I’ll just stay inside. I wonder what it might be like for people who don’t have that option....

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Stop Believing God Is Tired of You

My assumed belief is that, at some point, people always get tired of me... I’ve realised lately I assume the same of God....

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Mercy Trumps Judgment

If we are ever unsure whether to decide to show mercy to someone, or to judge them, it's best to always err on the side of mercy....

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