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duncan robinson

Grief in Trials

Without a doubt, we can make a case based on scripture that trials and troubles will come upon us in life. And grief is okay....

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The Islands of Average, Honour and Shame

Some people start on Honour Island, but most of us start on either Average or Shame Island. Average Island is where the majority of the population dwells....

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Does Your Teen Have HSC Exams? Try These Six Simple Tips

The HSC might be daunting, but it is something that each and every one of you can achieve. See if you can keep these six things in mind....

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Spade, Bourdain Again and Again

How do you explain how a man who is brilliant, talented and gifted finds himself at a place that death feels like the only and reasonable option?...

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Making Friends in Seven Seconds or Less

Consider that in 2000, the average adult’s attention span was 12 seconds. It has dropped by 33% since then, to 8 seconds. Use these strategies that lead to lasting relationships, and people will give you a window....

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The Gift and the Dirt Cup

In both of these, the Good King can be celebrated. In both the gift and the dirt cup, we can point to the goodness that comes from the Good King....

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When the Calling Isn’t

If there is an awkward feeling that everything is not well, perhaps it's time to stop, reflect, assess the calling and move into a new one....

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Dad Goals: Big, Audacious Dad Goals

If these were the only two goals I had in my life, and I achieved them, I will have succeeded....

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