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Share Your Easter Story

While we all consume copious amounts of chocolate, statistics suggest that as the chocolate intake increases, so does the interest in Christianity....

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Sharing the Easter Story – With Meringue Cookies!

The ‘Easter Cookie Story’ is a great tradition to start with your family- making meringue cookies and hearing the Easter story from the Bible....

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What’s So Good about Good Friday

By: Berni Dymet Good Friday. Gee – you read the historical account – doesn’t seem that good. So – was there anything good about Good Friday? They call it “Good Friday”, so what’s so good about Friday? Well I guess every Friday’s good; it’s the day before the weekend. But…...

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Easter is the Best Time to Invite Someone to Church: New Research

Research shows that 40 percent of Australians would say yes if they were invited to church at Easter time....

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We’ve all been let down. People close to us have hurt us. We’ve been disappointed by those we thought we could depend upon. That’s the kind of thing we remember on Good Friday....

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Australia’s Changing Spiritual Landscape

A rising trend in Australia is the affinity for no religion. And yet, Australians are more and more describing themselves as spiritual....

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Why is the Resurrection of Jesus So Important?

Dr Eli Gonzalez of Good News Unlimited shares three reasons why the event at the centre of Christianity is so significant....

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Chocolate Coated Easter Marshmallows

There's no need to miss out on Easter traditions when healthy marshmallow bunnies and chickens can be made with additive free ingredients and coated in homemade or dairy-free organic chocolate....

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Zombies at Easter – I Don’t Think So

When you think about it, you could understand why a modern day child might consider Jesus to be either a zombie or a superhero or both....

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Can You Believe It? Australian Christian Channel Turned 20 This Easter

This Easter weekend, the folks at Australian Christian Channel have a little extra to celebrate: it's their 20th birthday!...

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