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7 Christian Principles To Help Us Adopt AI in a Human-Centered Way

How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?...

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The Strange Anti-Christian Bias of Microsoft’s New A.I.

As we step back and think about what’s going on with digital technology – including AI – there’s a few keys Christians need to consider....

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How a Secular View of Morality Creates Challenges for Ethical A.I.

As we continue to develop and use artificial intelligence, we must consider the ethical implications of robotic systems making moral choices....

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As a Christian, I Went Down the A.I. Rabbit Hole. Here are 12 Things I Discovered

I’ve dived down the AI rabbit hole, listening to podcasts, reading books, taking courses, and testing it. Here’s 12 things I’ve discovered....

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Education Has Changed. Here’s How Teachers Can Move With the Tides

Teaching is full of new challenges – but also great opportunities. It just requires creativity and a willingness to move with the tides....

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The Robots are Writing… It’s Time to Dial Up the Humanness

In the age of robots, it’s become necessary to embrace our humanness more ever before, writes Michael McQueen....

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The Future of Human-AI Interaction

As artificial intelligence advances in capability, the question arises: how will humans live, work and interact with AI?...

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Trust-Doom and ‘Intrapreneurs’: The Top Trends of 2023

By observing trends of the past, we can make predictions about the trends set to shape the future. Here’s what to expect in 2023…...

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Been Hearing About ChatGPT? Here’s What You Need to Know

Launched in November 2022 by OpenAI, ChatGPT has been stirring up the tech world with its unparalleled capacity to seem truly human....

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Our Responsibility to the Future

Christians owe it to the future to again be classified as the kindest of all – people who love well, live well and serve well, writes Brian Harris....

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