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Thank you Peter Marsh for 26 years of faithful service to the Lord through 96three FM

By: Marion Creek and Sue Paulke

Peter has been involved with 96three since the second test broadcast from the studio in Lovely Banks back in 1995.  We were called Radio Rhema and ran test broadcasts for three-week blocks from a converted cowshed on a farm in Lovely Banks.

Peter has worn many hats as he has been involved in a variety of roles starting as a volunteer presenter and now is our Program/Music/Advertising Director.  He has always served with enthusiasm and willingly shared his skills with others. We will miss his cheery presence and servant heart around the station and wish him and his wife Ruth well as they enjoy a new season in their life.



We asked Peter a few questions that illustrate what he has done as part of the team at 96three FM.

When did you start as a volunteer with 96three/Radio Rhema?

I started as a volunteer in 1994.  I started as the Saturday morning announcer.  From there I have been an announcer on just about every shift.  I have been here on a full time basis for around 13 years.

Why did you become a volunteer?

I became a volunteer because of a calling. Back then I received a phone call from a board member, we were just talking and mid-sentence he suggested, “you would be good as a radio announcer” and a small voice inside said that would be a good thing to do. I remember years before when I was working as a carpenter in Adelaide, and I drove past a local radio station got out and started walking to the door, and then thought no, that’s not me.



What was one of the challenges of the early days?

One of the challenges in the test broadcast days was we only had one studio and we were on for 3 weeks. In the first week we missed out on making a sponsorship spot so we had to make it live, not an easy task when I had only 2 weeks experience behind the desk at that point.



What is a highlight from over the years?

The highlight from over the years was getting our licence and seeing how the Lord took a guy who didn’t think he could do much and ended up having a large influence in a radio station of all things.

What has been one of the good things about working at 96three?

Having the privilege of being responsible for what comes out of the radio and hearing the feedback of how God has spoken into the lives of so many listeners – what an absolute honour!


You have been looking after the music for quite a few years now, do you have favourite artists and songs?

Well I can change my mind every week because there are so many good Christian bands and artists at the moment. The band, Cain with Rise Up, is my favourite at the moment. I do love Colton Dixon, he has a new song out called Devil Is A Liar, that song is growing me.



You are retiring in 2021. What do you plan to do when you have more time?

Travel with my wife Ruth.


About the authors:  Marion and Sue have had the privilege of working with Peter for the past 15 years.  Thank you Peter.  It has been a joy!