Christ Alone : Leviticus 17
By: Dr Matthew Jacoby
Once God’s provision for the salvation of his people had been established in the tabernacle system, the Israelites were no longer to sacrifice anywhere and anyhow. They had been offering sacrifices in various ways and various places but now God called them to discard their own ways for his way. In other words, once God had made the way, that way became exclusive.
People all over the world are trying in various ways to achieve spiritual redemption of some kind. Many people are even trying to reach God. Invariably they are like the builders of the tower of Babel trying to get to God on their own terms. But there is no need for any of these complex religious stairways to God because God has come to us in Jesus Christ.
Now that God has made a way of salvation in Christ, he calls all people to desist trying to achieve this for themselves. Salvation is not found anyway and anyhow. As Peter says in Act 4:12 about Jesus Christ: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved”.
God has opened the front door of his house. Jesus is that door (John 10:9). He therefore doesn’t want people trying to climb in through the windows.
Have you been trying to gain access to God’s favour by your own achievements? If you are doing good things to try to achieve your own spiritual redemption, then you are not doing good things. A good life is one lived in response to what God has already done and is doing.
Read Leviticus 17.
Receive God’s favour and ask him how he wants you to respond today.
© 5ive Pty Ltd
Published 2019 by 5ive Pty Ltd.
Used with permission.
Matthew Jacoby’s central passion is for communicating the Word of God. His desire is to learn what it means to live life by the Spirit of God, to learn to listen to God constantly and to be a transparent and honest witness to the faithfulness of God. He is the author of the daily devotional Thrive.
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