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Ultrasound Reveals Sister Holding Dying Twin’s Hand In Womb

The parents of two young girls, Brittani and Ian McIntire, were excited when they found out their family was going to grow by not one extra family member, but two.   The couple found out the were expecting fraternal twins who they have named Mason and Madilyn.

However, less than 4 months into their pregnancy they were dealt with a horrific blow. At their 16 week scan doctors discovered that Mason was growing at a much slower pace than his sister Madilyn, and not only that, he had a hole in his heart and an underdeveloped brain.

Parents facing this sort of news often feel helpless as there is nothing that can be done in what should be the safest place for their growing baby. Comfort was brought to the family though, when an ultrasound photo revealed Madilyn holding her brother’s hand in the womb, as if she was comforting her dying sibling.


sonogram-story-2“It was an incredible blessing,” Brittani McIntire told, who is now 28 weeks pregnant. “That was the first happy thing we’ve seen in a while. It’s been really hard to wake up every day not knowing if he’s still alive, but we’re just taking it day by day and week by week. Every time we hear his heartbeat, we both let out a huge sigh of relief.”

The couple’s two daughters, Kinsley, 4, and Brailey, 6, pray for their little brother every night.

“I know I’m the one carrying him, but it’s so tough to not physically be able to hold him and be there for him,” McIntire revealed. “It’s comforting to know that Madilyn is with him, so that if he does pass, he won’t be alone.”


Photo source: Brittani McIntire via