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Dads & Their Teenage Daughters

A father’s role is critical in helping his daughter navigate the uncertainties of adolescence. Here are 4 insights for dads....

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What a Good Budget Looks Like

A budget is a great tool of self-awareness and helps you to identify where your money is going. Here are some basic guidelines!...

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Why You Should Let Go of Your Self-Esteem

The modern world’s obsession with self-esteem hasn’t come without its dangers. Here are 3 negative repercussions of a self-esteem obsession....

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Act Justly and Love Mercy

Here are 5 questions Christians who want to be following in the footsteps of Jesus in today's world can be asking themselves....

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12 Easy Healthy Snacks

Bliss balls, toasted pumpkin seeds, eggplant chips and more! Here are 12 easy and healthy snacks that you can make at home....

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Should You Borrow to Buy a Car?

Here are several points to seriously consider before you borrow to buy and sign on that dotted line and drive that shiny new car out of the lot....

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Let Yourself Be Loved

Are you protecting your heart with layers of doubt, pain, or even resentment? No one can be forced to receive love. You have to let yourself be loved....

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We’re Not in the Same Boat, But We Are in the Same Storm

Even if you feel like you’re sinking remember who’s in your boat. Jesus not only calms the storm, but He comforts you in the midst of it....

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What Your Friend Really Needs When Their Going Through a Divorce

Not every person facing divorce is the same, but I believe there are 10 universal needs that most who are divorcing share....

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Sometimes You Must Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

The idea that we could tell our heart to do something is strange, but there is merit to the psychological power of self-talk....

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