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Go A Little Further, Take the Next Step

Today I want to challenge you to go a little further for Jesus. We can take courage from looking at how far he went for us....

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Pop-Psychology versus Biblical Self-Acceptance

The only way that you will ever truly accept yourself and be at peace is to really know that God has accepted you through Christ....

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God is My Security… And Much More

Why not mull over these images – the Lord my shield, my sleep, my security, my deliverer? Perhaps they will ring true for you this week....

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Be the Real You

One of the biggest struggles you will have in your own life will be against your false self. I know, because it’s my biggest struggle too!...

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The God Who Comes to You

The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....

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Your False Self [Devotion]

Your true self will only be found in a trusting relationship with God motivated by love. Another word for that is surrender....

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Be a Wise Builder

Through both intentional and unconscious decisions, you have been building your life. The question is, what kind of building are you building?...

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Treasures in the Darkness

Next time you’re facing a tough time, or perhaps you’re facing one now, Jesus has promised to be with you. There really are treasures in the darkness....

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How Not to Slip up in Life

Knowing that God is not against us but for us, will help to protect us against overwhelming crisis in life, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....

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Here’s Why We All Need Community

To love, you need community. Both introverts and extroverts can experience and receive love, and be kind to others, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....

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