When the outcomes we want are out of reach, we can get frustrated. Yet, God teaches us to trust and to leave the outcomes to him....
Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his cry was not too late....
God wants to be your friend too. Whether you think you are qualified or worthy is not the issue. He loves you despite it all....
You often hear people say about how you have to learn to accept yourself. It’s true for everyone. But how do you go about it?...
When Jesus breathed His last, the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom to announce to the world that because of Jesus’ completed sacrifice....
Today I want to challenge you to go a little further for Jesus. We can take courage from looking at how far he went for us....
The only way that you will ever truly accept yourself and be at peace is to really know that God has accepted you through Christ....
When we feel successful, healthy, and loved, we believe that God loves us. But when we like a failure, we often believe God has abandoned us....
One of the biggest struggles you will have in your own life will be against your false self. I know, because it’s my biggest struggle too!...
The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come, writes Eliezer Gonzalez....