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10 Signs You Are Burning Out

Often it’s hard to notice our own levels of burnout, as we simply get ‘used to’ feeling the way we do. Here are 10 signs to look out for....

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When Jesus Breathed His Last

When Jesus breathed His last, the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom to announce to the world that because of Jesus’ completed sacrifice....

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Red Thai Beef Curry

This main dish is sure to satisfy any meat-loving family, packed with veggies to make a balanced meal. Eat on its own or serve with rice....

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‘The Birds’ and the Rising Cost of Living

How can Jesus’ invitation to “consider the birds” help us cope with the rising cost of living? Max Jeganathan shares a Christian approach....

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Hidden Homeless: New Data Reveals a Crisis

The 2021 Census data shows there are 122,000 people homeless on any given night in Australia, a five per cent increase since the last census....

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How to Stop Those Negative Voices From Running Your Life

We kill our dreams by thinking about why we can’t. Asking ‘what if’ instead, will allow you to see into opportunity, writes Rachel Reva....

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Lifeline Celebrates 60 Years of Saving Lives

Reverend Alan Walker’s legacy is well and truly alive as Lifeline celebrates 60 years of crisis support this month....

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Carer Fatigue and Burnout: What Is and What To Do

If you you or someone you know may be experiencing carer fatigue or burnout, it is important to take some action, writes Katelyn Tasker....

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Share Your Easter Story

While we all consume copious amounts of chocolate, statistics suggest that as the chocolate intake increases, so does the interest in Christianity....

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Sharing the Easter Story – With Meringue Cookies!

The ‘Easter Cookie Story’ is a great tradition to start with your family- making meringue cookies and hearing the Easter story from the Bible....

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