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Why Did Jesus Bless all the Wrong People?

Who are the “unblessed” today? Might they not be the homeless, the addicts, the sex-workers, the abused and the victimised? Why it is those who society considers the “unblessed,” who are blessed by Christ....

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How to Measure Your Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful. No one wants to be a failure. There's even a multi-billion dollar industry designed to help. So how do you measure your success in life?...

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The Gift and the Dirt Cup

In both of these, the Good King can be celebrated. In both the gift and the dirt cup, we can point to the goodness that comes from the Good King....

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In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?

When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? We need more of these sacred meals....

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When the Calling Isn’t

If there is an awkward feeling that everything is not well, perhaps it's time to stop, reflect, assess the calling and move into a new one....

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Faith, Mental Illness and Counselling

If someone you know has been acting a bit “off”, and you’re starting to get concerned, at what point do you recommend a counsellor or a psychiatrist? And how do you go about finding one?...

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Walk This Way

Author: Rodney Olsen. We often hear of people being in the right place at the right time. When we talk about those ‘right place, right time’, moments we’re generally thinking of something good happening for someone just because they were where they needed to be to take advantage of a particular…...

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A Prodigal Daughter Story

Rebecca Slavin shares her amazing journey from ice addiction and domestic violence to eventually finding freedom. She is joined by her father Gavin and together they discuss what has led to her incredible transformation – where today she speaks at public events about the dangers of ice addiction....

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What the Universe is Saying

Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations. A good friend of mine regularly talks about what the universe is telling her. She sees cues in her circumstances and interactions that work together to point her in the right direction....

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7 Principles Of The Maker’s Diet

Every year new diet-fads enter the general population. After weeks of feasting and celebration, people are looking for ways to lose that extra flab they’ve gained. It’s not surprising that people get confused because there are just too many choices to pick from....

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